At NuVision we provide administrative and consulting services for nursing homes and other healthcare companies. Facilities serviced by NuVision have worked to develop programs that provide the highest quality of care to both the young and old. The first Skilled Nursing Facility opened in 1969 at the advent of the Medicare Program. Since then the facilities serviced by NuVision have successfully developed programs ranging from acute and sub-acute inpatient services to pediatric medical day care and outpatient rehabilitative services.
NuVision's extensive experience with nursing homes brought about the development of the long-term pediatric services that we helped pioneer in the early 1980's. Starting with a sixty bed unit of primarily ventilator dependent children it grew to one of the first specifically designed and constructed freestanding, state of the art pediatric long-term facilities in the United States. This 119 bed facility which houses one of the largest pediatric ventilator populations in our country and has set new standards for sub-acute and rehabilitative care in a loving and nurturing environment. Another program NuVision services and is also very proud to be associated with is the Kidz Korner at Plantation Nursing and Rehabilitation which continues the tradition of pediatric services in the State of Florida.
Weisman Children's Rehabilitation Hospital, named after their founder Barton D. Weisman, provides short-term acute inpatient, day hospital, and outpatient services throughout the State of New Jersey. This facility has touched the lives of many children throughout the Northeast, not only for acute rehabilitative services, but also, for providing therapeutic treatment for school aged children.
NuVision and the facilities it services to take great pride in program innovation.
Andrew S. Weisman
President and CEO | NuVision Management